
Oscar stories #17: Toh ! Who sees you again !! (New York)

Vespucci Tour in America organized by the Rotary club of Florence. I paid for that trip with the first savings of my new job after leaving the so-called music world. A bogus world folded in on itself, made up of people of poor cultural level ready to give up a band when someone offered him a few hundred more lire a day. A fake world made up of serious professional whores who tried to build a real love by giving money to the ruffian on duty who then filled them with dicks, a fake world made of wild women looking for who knows that always ready to throw themselves away, a fake world where customers forced you to play him what he liked and the most humiliating thing was when they forced you to go to the tables with the guitar. A bogus world in which it was possible, though extremely rare, to find someone to trust. For example, a Neapolitan bassist, a big boy who left me a great memory when compared to the myriad of other former collaborators who did everything but help you. You have alrea...

Le storie di Oscar # 17: Toh ! Chi si rivede !! (New York)

Vespucci Tour in America organizzato dal Rotary club di Firenze. Me l'ero pagato quel viaggio con i primi risparmi del mio nuovo lavoro dopo aver lasciato il cosiddetto mondo musicale.  Un mondo fasullo ripiegato su se stesso, fatto di gente di scarso livello culturale pronti a mollare una band quando qualcuno gli offriva qualche centinaio di lire in più al giorno.  Un mondo fasullo fatto di serie puttane professioniste che cercavano di costruirsi un amore vero dando soldi al ruffiano di turno che poi le riempiva di cazzotti, un mondo fasullo fatto di donne scatenate alla ricerca di chissà che sempre pronte a buttarsi via, un mondo fasullo dove la clientela ti imponeva di suonargli quello che gli piaceva e la cosa più umiliante era quando ti costringevano ad andare ai tavoli con la chitarra.  Un mondo fasullo in cui era possibile anche se estremamente raro trovare qualche persona di cui fidarsi. Ad esempio un bassista napoletano, un ragazzone che mi ha lasciato un ottimo ...

The Stories of Oscar #16: Remembering Gianni Agnelli

  Centenary of Gianni Agnelli.  Those who have had the good fortune to know him live cannot forget him.   In April 1974 Gianni Agnelli was elected president of Confindustria ( the Italian employers' federation) . At that time the writer was assistant to Luigi Orlando, president of the Italian Metallurgical Society, better known as 'The King of Copper', Orlando was vice-president over all of Confindustria. The assistants of the three 'noble' fathers of Italian industry (Pirelli, Agnelli and Orlando) were allowed to stay in the second row behind their bosses who sat around the large oval table of the boardroom. The meetings of the highest body of the Association of Italian Entrepreneurs were characterized by the monologues of small and medium-sized industrialists who, galvanized by the possibility of having those characters as interlocutors, intertwined often boring and inappropriate interventions. Agnelli, half-undreamed in the armchair, eyes closed, every now and th...

The Oscar's stories # 15: sexual harassement

 I made the second Pfizer vaccine. While the girl at Sibley Memorial Hospital was preparing the mini syringe I discovered my left shoulder and it occurred to me a distant episode that occurred in January 1995, when I had just been appointed head of IRI for America. I have to say, I'm a vaccine veteran. As soon as the polio one came out I made it inoculate, then it was the turn of the Asian (bad experience) and since then every year I have had the flu vaccine syringed. Then the one against pneumonia, measles and vaccines to go to India to my son Marco. As soon as I landed in D.C., I asked the young doctor, who had been following my co-workers for a long time, where I could submit to this flu vaccine. Dr. Smith pointed me to a medical building in Massachusetts Ave where he would book me. So one morning of a cold January I went to that building used only for medical studies and laboratories. To tell the truth, it is not that at first glance the main entrance of that palace was the hei...

Le storie dei Oscar #15: sexual harassement

  Storia #1   Ho fatto il secondo vaccino Pfizer. Mentre la ragazza del Sibley Memorial Hospital stava preparando la mini siringa ho scoperto la spalla sinistra e mi è tornato in mente un lontano episodio avvenuto nel gennaio del 1995, quando ero stato appena nominato responsabile dell'Iri per l'America. Devo dire che sono un veterano dei vaccini. Appena uscito quello della poliomielite me lo sono fatto inoculare, poi è stata la volta dell'Asiatica (brutta esperienza) e da allora ogni anno mi sono fatto siringare il vaccino antinfluenzale. Poi quello contro la polmonite, il morbillo e i vaccini per andare in India da mio figlio Marco. Appena sbarcato a Washington ho chiesto al giovane medico,che da tempo seguiva i miei collaboratori, dove potevo sottomettermi a questo vaccino antinfluenzale. Il dottor Smith mi ha indicato un medical building sulla Massachusetts Ave dove avrebbe provveduto a farmi la prenotazione. Così una mattina di un freddo gennaio mi sono recato in quell...

Must instead be inflated .....

   "Look, I have to go with my camper for a month to Africa. Can you give me some suggestions on how to maintain tire pressure?" This is my question to the Roman tire dealer who had been serving me for years. "To decrease the friction you have to keep them inflated well to the maximum ... this reduces the contact surface. However, I recommend that you bring two spare tires, many times ..." The appointment for the African tour participants was in Algeciras (Spain) where we were supposed to take the ferry to Ceuta, the last Spanish outpost on Moroccan soil. (from Rome 2700 km). For months 2C magazine had been bringing the latest updates to this demanding African tour that was supposed to go as far as Tamaranset after crossing the desert and then returning to Tunisia and from there embarking for Sicily. For a total of 9700 kilometers for those departing from Rome. None of the 15 participants in the demanding African program could boast experiences of consistent desert ...

Le storie di Oscar #14: "Gonfiare al massimo.."

"Senta, devo andare con il mio camper per un mese in Africa. Può darmi qualche suggerimento su come mantenere la pressione delle gomme?" Questa la mia domanda al gommista romano che mi serviva da anni. "Per diminuire l'attrito deve tenerle gonfiate bene al massimo…così riduce la superficie di contatto. Comunque le consiglio di portare due gomme di riserva, tante le volte..." L'appuntamento per i partecipanti al tour africano era ad Algesiras (Spagna) dove avremmo dovuto prendere il ferry per Ceuta, ultimo avamposto spagnolo in terra marocchina. (da Roma 2700 km). Da mesi la rivista 2C stava portando gli ultimi aggiornamenti a questo impegnativo giro africano che avrebbe dovuto spingersi fino a Tamaransset dopo aver attraversato il deserto per poi ritornare in Tunisia e da lì imbarcarsi per la Sicilia. Per un totale di 9700 chilometri per chi partiva da Roma. Nessuno dei 15 partecipanti all'impegnativo programma africano poteva vantare esperienze di trav...